What I wrote has come true…in a bad way

Since November I and my girls get sick oftner than ever. I have had very bad skin infection twice, which was worse than ever. The big girl also had skin infection. The little one had ear infection. Also we had fever few times.

Yesterday I realised that actually I wrote this…as much as twice…

In October, my new manager asked me to apply for the flex working arrangement formally. I wrote the reasons why I needed to apply this in the application form. I explained that I and my daughters have ezcema so that we are more likely to infected by germs through weak skin. Fatigue causes immune system down. I need to work less hours in the office and more hours from home to prevent fatigue and sickness. Also I explained I solely look after two children and a sole wage earner. I need to work from home when the child gets sick (technical it is possible). Otherwise I will use up all the sick/domestic leaves and need to take unpaid leaves. 

But it was turned down. I ended up with extend office work hour by one hour and taking leaves when the kid gets sick.

Within 2 months, I have used up all my domestic/sick leaves as we get sick oftern than ever.

Oh no. What I wrote has been realised…

To put it the other way around, if I write my wishes with a lot of positive emotional power, that would come true shortly.

The following is my feeling and my life and activities at the time of February or March 2020. At this moment it is only an imagination. But we would see how my imagination can change the future.

I enjoy relaxed mornings. I wake up at a cerntain time everyday to prepare luch boxes for the two girls and send them to the school. But after that I get home and enjoy late breakfast. No rush to work anymore. I enjoy coffee that I glind and crackers with marmalade and fruits. I like this moment with morning fresh air. I can see the pretty back-yard through the window. I recently bought my first home, which is pretty, clean, bright, pleasant and good sized to accommodate a guest or a house-mate.

After breakfast, I focus on the creation of drawing and paintings. I enjoy my concentratation on the creation. I have more and more clear images that I desire to express on canvas. At the same time, my skill is increasingly developed with confedence and comfort. I enjoy exhibit my paintings online and offline. There are increasing number of buyers of my paintings and goods.

I have late lunch. I relax and enjoy the light and nice lunch I make.

I go to pick up my girls at school. We enjoy after-school activities with a lot of fun.

At night I have my man at my house sometimes. We enjoy dinner together.

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